Monday, December 1, 2008

Leading the Change Pushing the Limits: Web 2.0 and 21st Century Learning

The K12 Online Conference is a great way for teachers to learn about new ideas of how to incorporate technology into their classrooms. The Leading the Change Pushing the Limits: Web 2.0 and 21st Century Learning conference was about how two teachers have started a 21st Century Skills pilot class. The class is made up of seniors, who each receive their own Apple MacBook laptop computer. Through out the year, blogs, wikis, open source software, networking, iMovie, the flat classroom project, and much more is Incorporated into the curriculum.

To access this conference click here.
To see an example of a students work that was shown in the conference, click here.

I found this topic very interesting. When I was a senior in high school, the vocational school and three other local schools joined together to run a pilot teaching program. This is where we learned about teaching and what it is like to be a teacher. Much of the class was set up like a post secondary class, and we were able to receive college credit. With this class, we were given our own brand new IBM ThinkPad laptops. The teacher did have to go over rules with all of the students throughout the year to make sure no one was abusing their privileges, but it was a great experience. We had to write over forty papers for the class, so it made it nice to have my own computer. Also, once I graduated, I was able to buy the computer from the school for a very low price.

With more and more generations being brought up with technology, it does not surprise me that more and more personal computers are being used in the classrooms.


Jo Schiffbauer said...

You were fortunate to be involved in a one-to-one (computer to student) experience. Ubiquitous access to technology makes a big difference in how we teach and how we learn.

Holly M said...

The pilot program you were involved in in High School sounds like it was an amazing experience! It would be nice if more schools could have programs like that to help students have an idea of what kind of career they would like to work towards as they enter college. It is also beneficial that college credit was available for the program. The personal laptop is a great idea too! I'm sure buying the laptop discounted helped a lot with college expenses!